Hidden Beauty Horrors - Triclosan
Unfortunately, there are many hidden beauty horrors that crop up in industrial health and beauty products, which mostly consist of chemicals that can be very harmful to the body over time.
One of the worst culprits is Triclosan. We believe it is important for everyone to be aware of Triclosan, the implications that it can have on one’s health, and what you can do to avoid it.
What is Triclosan?
Triclosan was invented in the 1970s and is a synthetic anti-microbial agent that has quite a widespread usage. It is known to have strong antibacterial properties and was originally believed to be harmless to human health. As research has increased and improved, it is now clear that this chemical can significantly impact health.
Where is Triclosan found?
Triclosan can be found in many everyday products and is commonly used in detergents, soaps, toothpastes, deodorants and cosmetics. It also can be found in clothing, kitchenware, furniture, and toys - which is much harder to spot as the ingredients aren’t as regulated as the health and beauty industry.
What are the negative implications of Triclosan?
As many products still contain Triclosan, it is important to be aware of the potential implications the chemical can have...
Increases antibiotic resistance - It has been suggested that the widespread use of Triclosan could lead to antibiotic resistance in some bacteria - a huge global health concern. Experts believe there is strong evidence that daily use of products containing Triclosan is accelerating the speed of this.
Polluting our waterways - When Triclosan is washed down the drain, it is reaching our rivers and seas and altering the bacterial balance in the eco-system. It is harmful to algae, meaning the fish and other sea life have less nutrients to feed from.
Bad for your bones - 2019 research shows that women who are exposed to Triclosan regularly could be at greater risk of developing Osteoporosis. More research will be carried out on this correlation, but if you are concerned about developing this bone condition, or if it already runs in your family history, it may be best to avoid Triclosan as much as possible.
Dental health issues - The soft tissues of the mouth are very sensitive and delicate, and toothpaste can be very harmful to these tissues. Most toothpastes contain Triclosan, and there has been research that has shown an increase (as much as 60%) in the incidences of mouth ulcers occurring. These ulcers can be an indication of being allergic to Triclosan.
Problems in pregnancy - It is believed that Triclosan can cause hormonal issues because it is known to be an endocrine-disruptor, which means in may increase cancer risk. It is particularly hazardous to pregnant woman due to the fluctuating hormones within the mother’s and baby’s body. A study by the American Chemical Society concludes a link between the chemical and a decrease in newborn birth weights in animals.